Empowering Change Through Inclusive Governance

Our Politics: Shaping Somaliland’s Future with Waddani

At Waddani, our political philosophy is rooted in the principles of justice, integrity, and inclusivity. We are committed to transforming Somaliland through progressive governance and sustainable development that meets the needs of all citizens, fostering a climate where each individual can thrive.

Core Political Pillars

Good Governance and Accountability

We strive to cultivate a transparent, accountable, and efficient government that serves the people and upholds the rule of law. Our focus is on strengthening institutions to ensure they are responsive to the needs of the public and capable of managing Somaliland’s resources effectively.

Education and Healthcare

We believe that access to quality education and healthcare are fundamental human rights. Our politics emphasize reforming the education system to align with modern needs and expanding healthcare access to ensure all citizens receive the care they need, when they need it.

Economic Diversification And Growth

Our economic policy aims to harness Somaliland’s natural and human resources to stimulate growth across key sectors including agriculture, mining, tourism, and technology. We are committed to creating a robust economy that provides opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment, ensuring a stable and prosperous future.

Environmental Sustainability

Our commitment to the environment is unwavering. We advocate for policies and initiatives that promote sustainable resource management, conservation, and climate change mitigation. Our goal is to preserve Somaliland’s natural heritage for future generations.

Infrastructure Development

Recognizing the critical role of infrastructure in economic and social development, we are dedicated to enhancing transportation, water management, energy, and digital infrastructure. Our aim is to build the foundations that connect communities, enable commerce, and improve quality of life.

Social Equity and Justice

Ensuring social equity is central to our political agenda. We work towards protecting vulnerable populations, promoting gender equality, and upholding human rights to build a just society where no one is left behind.

Strategic Goals

Strengthening Democracy

Waddani is dedicated to enhancing democratic processes in Somaliland, ensuring free, fair, and regular elections, and fostering a culture of participation among all sectors of society.

Enhancing International Relations

We aim to position Somaliland as a key player in regional and global affairs by cultivating strong diplomatic ties, engaging in international trade, and contributing to peace and stability in the region.

Community Engagement

Our politics involve continuous dialogue with the communities we serve. We believe in grassroots engagement as a means of understanding and addressing the local needs and aspirations.

Upcoming Events

Our mission is to create a society in which an informed and active citizenry is sovereign
and makes policy decisions based on the will of the majority.

Refusing to wait

  • 25 August 2021
  • Super Admin

Rapidiously redefine enterprise-wide collaboration and idea-sharing after world-class e-services.

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Presidential Elections 2021

  • 20 July 2021
  • Super Admin

Rapidiously redefine enterprise-wide collaboration and idea-sharing after world-class e-services.

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Refusing to wait

  • 16 June 2021
  • Super Admin

Rapidiously redefine enterprise-wide collaboration and idea-sharing after world-class e-services.

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Aliquam ipsum inceptos

  • 15 June 2021
  • Super Admin

Rapidiously redefine enterprise-wide collaboration and idea-sharing after world-class e-services.

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65-th Annual International

  • 6 May 2021
  • Super Admin

Rapidiously redefine enterprise-wide collaboration and idea-sharing after world-class e-services.

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Last week a

  • 22 April 2021
  • Super Admin

Rapidiously redefine enterprise-wide collaboration and idea-sharing after world-class e-services.

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Meet Our Team

Explore some of the key moments and events that have helped shape the course of Somaliland
political and constitutional development.

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Xisbiga WADDANI ayaa ka

10 May 2024 0 Super Admin

Xisbiga Mucaaradka ee WADDANI ayaa kasoo horjeystay heshiis ay si wadajir ah uga

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Xisbiga WADDANI oo cambaareeyey

10 May 2024 0 Super Admin

Mas'uul ka tirsan Xisbiga Waddani ee Somaliland ayaa ka jawaabay hadal uu shalay

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Guddoomiyaha Waddani Oo Cusbitaalka

10 May 2024 0 Super Admin

Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee Wadani Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi Oo ay wehelinayaan xubno

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Shirkii Golaha Dhexe Ee

10 May 2024 0 Super Admin

Shirweynihii labaad ee golaha dhexe ee xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee Waddani oo Sabtidii

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Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga WADDANI oo

10 May 2024 0 Super Admin

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzGeU3W8NZsGuddoomiyaha Xisbiga WADDANI oo Tacsi u diray ehelada dadkii u Geeriyooday Xanuunka COVID19

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Our Commitment

Waddani is dedicated to:

• Good Governance: Implementing transparent, accountable, and efficient government operations.
•Economic Empowerment: Driving substantial economic growth through strategic investments in critical sectors such as agriculture, mining, energy, and technology.
•Infrastructure Advancement: Upgrading and expanding physical infrastructure to enhance connectivity and support economic activities.
•Educational Excellence: Reforming the educational system to align with global standards and local economic needs, ensuring all children and adults can fulfill their potential.
•Healthcare Accessibility: Expanding healthcare infrastructure and services to deliver comprehensive care for all, focusing on prevention, treatment, and well-being.
•Environmental Sustainability: Advocating for and implementing policies that protect our natural heritage and promote sustainable resource management.

Join Us

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey as we draft the blueprint for a future defined by progress, resilience, and equity. Together, we can realize the dream of a prosperous Somaliland.

Contact Us

For more information on our programs, policies, or to join our movement, please contact us